Space Security Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO): An Overview What is a GEO? Why is it considered a space choke point? What do we use it for? Why do other orbits complement it? Highly Elliptical, Tundra, Polar and Sun-Synchronous Orbits explained.
Space Security Medium Earth Orbit (MEO): An Overview What is a Medium Earth Orbit? What do we use it for? Communication systems alongside every Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are placed in this orbit. Why?
Space Security Low Earth Orbit (LEO): An Overview What is a Low Earth Orbit? What do we use it for? Both the military and civil sectors exploit this orbit for observation, reconnaissance and communication purposes.
Space Security Into the Void: How Countries Choose Their Satellites' Orbits Why Satellites Are Where They Are? What are the Key Factors to Consider when Positioning Satellites? How do you Choose an Orbit? From Gathering High-Resolution Images to facilitating Global Communications, each Satellite's Orbit is Designed to Optimise its Functionality.
Space Security Into the Void: An Introduction to Orbital Dynamics How does space travel work? What are the constraints of movement in space? Gravity, orbital motion and its characteristics.